- Hakuin Ekaku (1685–1768) lived most of his life in Hara, near present-day Numazu in eastern Shizuoka Prefecture, an area graced by the iconic Mount Fuji. At the age of fourteen he was ordained in a small temple in Hara, Shoin-ji. After he realized enlightenment he.
- Hakuin Ekaku (1685-1768) is widely acknowledged as the most important Zen Buddhist master of the past 500 years.
Word 2014 for mac. 'Cave-dwelling Devil' When he was 8 years old, Hakuin heard a fire-and-brimstone sermon on the. “Cave-dwelling Devil” When he was 8 years old, Hakuin heard a fire-and-brimstone sermon on the.
Hakuin Ekaku (1767)


Hakuin Ekaku Mount Fuji Hawk Eggplant
Hakuin Ekaku (白隠 慧鶴 Hakuin Ekaku; January 19, 1686 - January 18, 1769) was one of the most influential figures in Japanese ZenBuddhism. He was a pupil of Dokyo Etan, and transformed the Rinzai school from a declining tradition that lacked rigorous practice into a tradition that focused on arduous meditation and koan practice. Essentially all modern practitioners of Rinzai Zen use practices directly derived from the teachings of Hakuin. Laserjet 1000 driver for mac.
- You know the sound of two hands clapping; tell me, what is the sound of one hand?
- As quoted in Wild Ivy: The Spiritual Autobiography of Zen Master Hakuin trans. Norman Waddell (2010) p. 179
- All beings are by nature are Buddhas, as ice by nature is water. Apart from water there is no ice; apart from beings, no Buddhas. How sad that people ignore the near and search the truth afar: like someone in the midst of watercrying out in thirst: like a child of a wealthy home wandering among the poor.
- As quoted in Teachings of the Buddha p. 207
- Should you desire the great tranquility prepare to sweat white beads.
- As quoted in Zen and the Art of Poker: Timeless Secrets to Transform Your Game by Larry W. Phillips
- If you forget yourself, you become the universe.
- As quoted in The Awakening Artist: Madness and Spiritual Awakening in Art by Patrick Howe

External links[edit]
Wikipedia has an article about:
Hakuin Ekaku Paintings

Hakuin Ekaku Daruma
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