We are currently working as a community to bring you more languages for Pale Moon. To be informed of progress (or to help out!), please go to the following forum topic dedicated to localization.

Pale Moon 25

  1. Pale Moon was an optimized version of Firefox, eliminating some features most people did not use in return for better performance and stability. As Mozilla lurched from one misguided design decision to another, breaking extensions and frustrating users, Pale Moon kept its.
  2. Pale moon is made to order, hand-carved bone jewelry created by Christopher Miller.

Pale Moon LRV: 78.27 Not recommended in exterior paint This color is part of the Classic Color Collection.

If you prefer to have the Pale Moon user interface in your native language (not US-English), then these language packs can help you! They are originally based on the Mozilla Firefox language packs, with additional translations and improvements done by our community translators for Pale Moon. Pale Moon will not be released with installers in individual languages, but installing these language packs on top of the US-English browser will pretty much have the same effect.

These language packs are for the latest versions of the browser. They will not work on older versions. If you are using an older version of the browser, please update to the current version first. If you for whatever reason decide you need to use an older version of the browser, please go to the archived versions page and download the appropriate language pack for your browser version.

Pale Moon Windows 7

Important note: These language packs are provided AS-IS. We, the authors of the actual Pale Moon browser, are not the authors of these language packs, and cannot provide support for the actual contents of them. This is a community effort! If you have any feedback on them, please either get involved on our CrowdIn project directly or go to the forum.

Can't find your language?
We're sorry but these are the only languages that actually have a complete translation and have support from (near-)native speakers. We cannot support any other languages without a dedicated community translator for a language. Other languages are in the works but not complete yet.

Pale Moon is a fork of an old Firefox version, before the user interface change that put off many people. Version 28.4 was used to write this article. This article replaces an old article (here).

Spyware Level: Medium

After following the mitigation guide, this software is Not Spyware.

Connects to analytics services, and these requests can only be avoided on subsequent runs. Has block lists, search suggestions, and auto-updates. Sends SSL certificates from the sites you visit.

Google Analytics on Homepage

By default, Pale Moon's home page is set to https://palemoon.start.me, and it will automatically make a connection to it upon its first run. This page connects to Google Analytics, which can fingerprint and track you across the internet.

Blocking privacy-enhancing addons

Pale Moon by default won't allow you to install the privacy-enhancing addon NoScript, citing this rationale forblocking such an important addon: 'NoScript is known to cause severe issues with a large (and growing) number of websites. Unless finely tuned for every website visited,NoScript will cause display issues and functional issues.'[1]To disable this blocklist, set extensions.blocklist.enabled to false in about:config.


Pale Moon will automatically update itself, addons and search engines, as well as its blocklist.xml file with the addons it considers 'malicious'. Some of these can be turned off from the GUI, and some only from about:config.

Search Suggestions

The default search engine is the privacy-respecting DuckDuckGo, however search suggestions are enabled by default, which could send a request for every letter you've typed, all while you think it stays in-browser until you press Enter. Can be turned off by right-clicking the search bar.

OCSP querying


Will automatically check every site's SSL certificate to see if it is valid, which necessitates sending it to a third party. Can be turned off from the GUI.


1.This Add-on to your browser has been blocked or disabled.[web.archive.org][archive.is]

This article was created on 3/19/2019

Pale MoonPale Moon

If you want to edit this article, or contribute your own article(s), visit us at the git repo on Codeberg. All contributions must be licensed under the CC0 license to be accepted.